Bring on the night with the BlazeSpark! This new innovative tool turns your cell phone into a night-vision device. Equipped with a 4mm camera lens, the BlazeSpark uses infrared (NIR) technology to illuminate the darkness around you. Upon initial use, I was extremely impressed with this futuristic device. The first thing that stuck out to me was how simple the Spark was to use. Simply pull it out of the box, charge it up, attach to your phone, and embrace the night. What’s great about the Spark is that it fits a variety of phones, so you don’t have to go through the hassle of getting the right one, for the right phone. Do make sure that your phone is compatible, because even though it will fit a variety of phones, it will only work with those equipped with a micro USB and USB C port (iPhone support is on its way!).
Besides being a flagship in new night-vision technology, the BlazeSpark also has another aspect to it: social media. This feature is accessible within the BlazeSpark smartphone application. What is neat about this feature is that it allows you to stream your video footage live, so others can tune in and watch...creating a network of social activity.
All in all, this product is an amazing tool to have on hand. From predator hunting at night to navigating your house when the power goes out, the BlazeSpark is a must-have!