NRA Family Favorites: June 4, 2022

We love our readers ... and we also love to read! Here are some of our favorite stories from the week of June 4.

posted on June 4, 2022
Hand Engraved Henry

Welcome to NRA Family Favorites for the week of June 4, 2022! Here are some of our favorite stories from this past week. 

Lena Miculek presenting handgun

Yes, even Lena Miculek gets the willies. It may be a little tough to believe that the world champion competitive shooter, CrossBreed Holsters brand ambassador and daughter of living legend Jerry Miculek ever had anything to fear, but of course that can't be true. We're all human, and no matter our level of expertise, our fears can tether us in ways we don't even see. Pro shooter, brand ambassador and trailblazer Lena Miculek's journey to true independence wasn't so different from yours ...

Having your defensive firearm readily available is a smart move and a sound part of your home-defense plan, but that’s not always possible nor practical. We all have to sleep sometime, and some of us even go on these weird things called “vacations” where we actually leave our homes for more than a handful of hours. In any case, why wouldn’t you want to secure the investment that is your personal firearm(s)? Everything you wanted to know about safes (but were afraid to ask)  ...

You’re probably aware that if you carry a handgun, you need to be safely practicing your draw with an unloaded firearm. This is important, because if you can’t get your gun out of the holster and into a firing position quickly and efficiently at the moment you need it most, the consequences could be devastating. A proper draw and presentation of a handgun seems like one fluid motion, but it should actually be composed of five distinct steps ...

Looking for some college money? The Civilian Marksmanship Program has announced this year’s top scholarship recipients and will award a total of $178,000 for the 2022-2023 school year. Students with exceptional accomplishments in marksmanship and academics will receive 2022-23 scholarships. Find out more here!

Most hunters know to always leave their location, departure time and arrival time with a trusted friend or family member, just in case of an emergency. But what happens when your hunter is actually overdue? Here's how a comedy of errors wound up waking the author from her bed at 3 in the morning after a solo hike ... and how you can avoid the same (or worse)

The politics of guns and hunting obscures many deeper truth about America, such as a longstanding connection between private American arms makers and freedom that has greatly benefited our armed forces. Simply put, progress in U.S. firearms development has always been a mix of military and civilian market demands. While military requirements often provide a springboard for inventiveness, military establishments have long relied on and benefitted from innovations that come from the American civilian market. Read Firearms For Freedom: A 10-Gun Salute ...

There are few places in the country more impressive than The Cody Firearms Museum for history buffs and firearms enthusiasts, and Henry Repeating ArmsBaron Engraving and Davidson’s have created something special to support the facility. All proceeds from the auction of the first gun in the third edition of the Cody Firearms Museum Collectors Series—a one-of-a-kind New Original Henry Rifle inspired by 19th-century master firearms engraver Louis D. Nimschke—will benefit the museum ...



Illumatrace Flashlight Lede
Illumatrace Flashlight Lede

Reviewed: NEBO IllumaTrace Blood Tracker

If you hunt long enough, eventually, you will have to track. Enter NEBO IllumaTrace, because you need every advantage.

Announcing the Friends of NRA Valentine's Day Giveaway

Enter to win a beautiful necklace and bracelet set from Montana Silversmiths with just a few clicks!

New Gear 2025: Remington Nitro Steel Duplex

Now, hunters don't have to swap out shells for different hunting scenarios ... we can just take the shot.

New Guns 2025: Smith & Wesson CSX E-Series Pistols

The pistol powerhouse of S&W has unleashed a new series of CCW-perfected micro-compact handguns.

Throwback Thursday: Karl Maslowski, Pioneer Wildlife Filmmaker

“The things I’d learned about hunting animals with a gun stood me in good stead as I began hunting them with a camera."

Video: What All That Ammunition Jargon Means

Ammo, bullet, cartridge, round, shell: Some of these terms are interchangeable, but some aren't. We explain it all here.


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