Eddie Eagle, NRA's groundbreaking gun-safety program, may be turning 30 this year...but he's still a kid at heart. In honor of that, Sunday, May 6 2018's Youth Day will include an all-day Eddie Eagle birthday celebration at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Dallas, Texas--and you and your kids are invited!
NRA's Youth Programs, along with our partners (Royal Rangers, Boy Scouts of America, National High School Rodeo and the USA Shooting team), is thrilled to present NRA Youth Day. Beginning at 11 a.m., kids are invited to visit the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center's Ballroom C to get registered for the day's fun, free activities. In addition to the Eddie Eagle Kid's Zone activities that will continue for the duration of the show, such as face painting, a photo booth, arts and crafts, Youth Day will feature some special treats.
The highlight of the show is sure to be the Scavenger Hunt, which will lead intrepid partygoers through the Exhibit Hall in search of Youth Day sponsors and the chance to win some truly great prizes. (Not to mention chocolate-chip cookies. Oops, we mentioned it.)
We hope you can make it to Eddie's birthday party...his best present will be your presence!
NRA's Youth Programs, along with our partners (Royal Rangers, Boy Scouts of America, National High School Rodeo and the USA Shooting team), is thrilled to present NRA Youth Day. Beginning at 11 a.m., kids are invited to visit the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center's Ballroom C to get registered for the day's fun, free activities. In addition to the Eddie Eagle Kid's Zone activities that will continue for the duration of the show, such as face painting, a photo booth, arts and crafts, Youth Day will feature some special treats.
The highlight of the show is sure to be the Scavenger Hunt, which will lead intrepid partygoers through the Exhibit Hall in search of Youth Day sponsors and the chance to win some truly great prizes. (Not to mention chocolate-chip cookies. Oops, we mentioned it.)
We hope you can make it to Eddie's birthday party...his best present will be your presence!