Over the last 200 years, the evolution in firearms technology has been interwoven with world history; and just outright astounding. Since the creation of gunpowder, there has been an innate drive for humans to improve upon the gun, for hunting, protecting and, sometimes above all else, conquering. In 50 Guns That Changed the World: Iconic Firearms That Altered the Course of History, author Robert A. Sadowski rummages through that last two centuries of firearms and showcases significant weapons of war, hunting rifles, guns for personal defense, as well as the forever-loved plinking guns.
Some of the guns he covers—exhaustively with archival photographs—are the Colt Single Action Army, Winchester Model 1873, the AK-47 (how could he not?), the Benelli M2, M1 Garand and the GLOCK G17.
Discover the history, design details and specifications and users of each firearm. Learn about the manufacturers, their story and where they are today.
This book is excellent for firearms enthusiasts of all persuasions, history buffs and hunters. It’s a fun and easy read that gives insight into the way the evolution of firearms technology has helped create the world we are in today.
Robert A. Sadowski is no novice to firearms or firearms publications. He’s a contributing editor for SHOT Business magazine, Gun Hunter, Cabela’s Outdoor Journal and Game & Fish. He’s the author of the Shooter’s Bible: Guide to Combat Handguns and Shooter’s Bible: Guide to Firearms Assembly, Disassembly, and Cleaning.