Red Dot, an NRA-affiliated training facility in Northern Illinois, has had a brick and mortar store for almost two years now, although they started training almost four years ago. With any luck, that approval for a new range will come through and they'll expand their repertoire even more.
One such class that Red Dot Arms offers, which owner and instructor Michel Rioux calls a “must take class,” is NRA's Refuse To Be A Victim®. Though not a firearms course, Refuse To Be A Victim® teaches crime prevention and personal safety. Covering a wide variety of topics from mental preparedness to home safety, awareness to cyber security, Refuse To Be A Victim® is a 4 hours seminar that talks about different strategies people can easily integrate into their everyday lives to avoid being an easy target and a victim of crime. “When I first took the Refuse To Be A Victim® class, I was blown away,” Rioux says. “The class has good reminders of things that people should be doing on a regular basis to be more aware of their surroundings.” He and Red Dot Arms colleague Steve New became instructors shortly after attending the course and are now offering the seminar on a regular basis at their facility.
The last Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar held at Red Dot Arms was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback. “Many people said that they were going to go home and make changes to their home that day!” says Rioux. Each person who attends a Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar receives an 82 page comprehensive safety handbook, a 12 page firearms supplement, and two program brochures.
To read the full article, visit NRABlog.com.