Fun at the Pyramyd Air Air Gun Range

posted on April 10, 2015

Each year at the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, Pyramyd Air sponsors a perennial favorite, the Air Gun Range. why is it so popular? Well, as exciting as it is to circulate the exhibition hall floor and examine all the latest guns, doing so just makes you want to get out and shoot. Of course, that's not possible to do indoors...unless you're talking about air guns. At the Pyramyd range, members and their families can enjoy all the fun of shooting high-end rifles and pistols in complete safety under the supervision of skilled Range Officers.

Chief Range Officer Michael Johns reports that even though the range has only been open since Thursday, "The feedback has been good...we've had a steady flow of shooters, and I wouldn't be surprised if we surpassed 4,000 shooters this weekend." Part of what's driving this flow is a significant upgrade in the facilities here in Nashville. Continues Johns, "this is the biggest venue we've had yet, which allowed us to have 22 shooting stations, and a dual tiered system of targets, with close to 100 targets available. We've got everything from cans to tennis balls to zombie targets."

As the shooting stations filled up, I homed in on the Weilage clan. Dad Rob and son Zackary had driven all the way from their home in Charlotte, N.C., to attend the Meetings, and had taken some trigger time at the range. Fifteen-year-old Zackary says he's been shooting "since I was eight," and is enjoying his time shooting in the comfort of the indoors. "Being able to shoot targets and let off steam is the best," says Zachary. "It's cool to shoot indoors." The Weilages say they're looking forward to enjoying the rest of the convention, and intend to stay the weekend. Not bad advice, given all that there is to see and do.


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