I noticed in our state hunting regulations a year or two ago that airbows were legal to use during certain seasons and situations, and was intrigued. I recently received a Benjamin M600 airbow for review, and you just might be intrigued, too. The airbow works on compressed air stored in the tank, like a PCP air rifle. The tank on the Benjamin M600 will hold up to 3600 psi or 248 bar. A standard high-pressure air compressor like the ones used for PCP air guns works great for this airbow.
Once the tank is filled (and the bow is on safe and pointed in a safe direction), users can slide an arrow over the arrow rest until it is fully seated and then, (still keeping the airbow on safe and pointed in a safe direction), users can cock the bow. The arrows are 360 grain, 26" hollow carbon fiber, and slide over the rest, which appears to be a tube where the compressed air can push the arrow downrange. Think of a normal arrow with the nock removed from the rear of the arrow, and you now have a picture of the airbow arrow. Users can use the 100 grain field tips or your favorite fixed blade broadhead to hunt with.
The Benjamin M600 comes with a scope that works very well with the airbow. I was able to get the airbow sighted-in within 20 minutes out of the box. My biggest issue with this product was that it is powerful! That is not a bad thing, but those purchasing the Benjamin M600 will need a high-quality crossbow-grade target or the arrows will go through it.
I proceeded best I could by stacking up crossbow targets to stop the arrows until I could get a thicker target. I will say the airbow is a bit loud, but that is to be expected. So, users should not expect a whisper-quiet sound like a regular bow releasing or even a crossbow. The sound will get your attention, but the arrow is very fast and has 300 foot-lbs. of energy and 600 fps for the first few shots before the air pressure drops off.
Several upsides to using the airbow include the fact that the airbow is cocked AFTER users slide the arrow on, which is safer. Users can decock the bow, slide the arrow off and then put the arrow away if they did not get a shot at game.
So, how accurate is the Benjamin M600? I found it so accurate I decided to start shooting one arrow at a time. I read up on the way this product works and found that the arrows do not flex like they do from a regular bow or crossbow, because they are not driven from the rear, where the force would cause the shaft to flex. Instead, the compressed air pulls the arrow from the front, making the shot much more precise. I found that to be true when sighting-in. Using a rest (another thing nice about the airbow), you can get some very accurate shooting done.
Shooting the airbow is like shooting a rifle, even somewhat like an AR platform due to size and the rails and stock configuration. The safety is right in front of the trigger and gets pushed forward to put it on fire, and pulled to the rear for safe.
Why use an airbow? Well, if you are disabled, have weak shoulders or other physical limitations, this is a great product if your state permits it to be used to hunt. The M600 is like a short rifle and easily maneuverable and easily cocked and decocked, even in a treestand or tight quarters like a blind. The arrows can be used again and again when target practicing and are often usable after hunting if they are not damaged. Sometimes firearms are not permitted for hunting in certain areas due to local regulations. The airbow may allow you to hunt some areas like that. Check local regulations first!
I cannot wait to use this on a deer or even a feral hog if I get that opportunity. It is plenty powerful enough and deadly accurate. If you have used PCP airguns and have the compressor, you are going to be fully set up if you buy this product. It charges just like your PCP airgun. The Benjamin M600 comes with sling swivels and scope and rings to mount on the rail as well as three arrows. Additional arrows can be purchased. This is a fun product and should open up more opportunities for hunting for those that might not have been able to go afield. MSRP $899; BenjaminAirGuns.com.
Bolt action
Power: Compressed air in a 440CC tank up to 3600psi
Arrow: Benjamin arrows .357 diameter, minimum 26.25” length
Weight: approximately 7 pounds without the accessories. Figure less than 10 with the scope, sling, quiver etc..
Length: 33.5”
Trigger: 2 stage, NON adjustable
Safety, manual lever in front of trigger
Velocity: Up to 600fps with included arrows for at least 3 shots on a full tank
Energy: 300 ft pounds with included arrows.