I took a trip to the archery range recently and lost some arrows in the leaves after they sailed through my worn-out target. Arrows are expensive. Luckily, bowhunters have two new ways to prevent arrow loss from Block.
The Block Invasion target is now available in two new sizes, a 16- and an 18-inch model, along with the standard 20-inch target. They still sport the layered design we have come to know as one of the toughest, most durable and longest-lasting target systems available. The front and back of the target is designed with high-contrast images for use with field points and broadheads, while the sides, which are wrapped in highly visible polyurethane, are reserved for field-point use only.
Grab one of the smaller sizes to throw in the pickup, and you'll always have a place to send some shafts if the moment strikes. If you don't want the hassle of replacing your target each year, do the smart thing and get a Block. Visit blocktarget.com for more information.