A Fun, Family-Oriented Rimfire Shoot in Pennsylvania

posted on August 4, 2015
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If you live in Pennsylvania (or are willing to travel), and are looking for something to bring your whole family together, why not check out the Rimfire Challenge Event on Sunday, August 16? Scheduled to take place beginning at noon at the Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club, the Rimfire Challenge was developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation as a fun, safe way for shooters of all skill levels to participate in competitive shooting in a low-key, safe, family-friendly venue. Safety is at the forefront of this event, so it's perfect for novice and experienced shooters alike. In fact, there will be a mandatory safety briefing before range time that's critical to attendance; if you can't make it, sorry, you won't be able to participate. The way the event works is that there will be four stages of five targets, and four squads of five shooters each. 

The competitors are welcome to use both a rifle and handgun in .22 LR—other than that, there are no restrictions as to the make of the firearms. (Your firearm must remain properly stored until a BRCV Range Safety Officer clears the firearm for use.) Additionally, you'll want to make sure you have: Eye Protection; Electronic Hearing Protection (a must); Ammunition for your firearms (standard or high velocity); Five (5) Magazines or speed loaders to minimize reloading time; A minimum of two (2) Magazines or speed loaders; Lunch for yourself.

The cost is $20 per person 18 and up, which includes the safety briefing, and pre-registration is required. Visit www.brcv-rodgun.org and click on the "Rimfire Challenge link." Sign-in starts at 12:00 noon on Sunday, August 16. Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club is at 2178 Smith Road, Sciota, PA, 18354. For more information, please visit www.nssf.org for an overview of the "Rim Fire Challenge" program. If you still have any further questions, please contact the event director, Art Krueger, at: [email protected] or (570) 629-4978. 

If you're not going to be able to make it, don't fret; just click here to find a Rimfire Challenge or other event near you!


Campfire Leadin Photo
Campfire Leadin Photo

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