Viral Video Gets Youth Bowhunter Sponsorship Offers

posted on October 29, 2014

Parents are constantly posting videos of their kids to Youtube. Chris Bryan was another of those parents, who may have unknowingly jump-started a career for his 11-year-old bowhunting daughter. After her video (featured below) went viral, they began receiving sponsorship offers. Upon watching, it's easy to see why the video is so popular. The genuine outpouring of excitement and emotion that Reagan shows on camera after getting her first buck is contagious, and puts many hunters right back into their first tree stand. Reagan has a bright future ahead, and we decided it was time to learn more about the father-daughter hunting duo.

NRA Family InSights: At what age did you allow your daughter to begin hunting, and how did you decide when the time was right?

Chris Bryan: My daughter has been in the woods with me hunting since she was 4 years old, but mostly as an observer. This is her first year big-game hunting at age 11, and she is doing it with a bow. She has shot a bow for two straight years and has had great success in the National Archery In The Schools Program (NASP). She has practiced with a compound for 6 months and it just seemed to come naturally to her. After she built her strength and gained confidence in her shot from hours of practice shooting at targets from different angles and distances, I just knew she was ready. She had proven herself well!

NRA Family InSights: How did you decide on the right equipment to help make her successful?

Chris Bryan: When shopping for a bow suited for a girl, it is a must for it to have a touch of color to it that separates it from your typical camo bow. I chose the Bowtech Carbon Rose for her at our local pro shop, Amherst Arms. This bow is top quality, lightweight and accurate. I am a believer in this, as I also shoot a Bowtech.

NRA Family InSights: What is the best part about hunting with your daughter?

Chris Bryan: Sharing the same passions and thrills with her and to see the excitement in her eyes. That tells me that I have done something right. I didn't think it was possible, but this has brought us closer than ever and we have the tightest bond imaginable. I will cherish these moments forever.Chris & Reagan

NRA Family InSights: What is the best part about hunting with your dad?

Reagan Bryan: My favorite part is hearing the woods come alive in the morning as the sun comes up. Hearing the birds and squirrels wake up will never get old. I am thankful that I get to share that with my dad.

NRA Family InSights: What's something you've learned from hunting?

Reagan Bryan: Patience! You never really know when a deer will come your way. Sometimes you will wait two hours and sometimes only 10 minutes. Keeping a positive mind helps pass the time.

NRA Family InSights: In your own words, tell us about your bow hunt featured in the video above.

Reagan BryanReagan Bryan: My first bow hunt was absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me. The adrenalin rush I got after my shot made me realize that I just had to do this again. So much practice and time I spent preparing for that very moment had paid off. I was addicted to bow hunting.

NRA Family InSights: What do you love most about hunting?

Reagan Bryan: I love the thrill you get when you first hear something walking in the leaves. You don't know what it is, but it's coming your way. Also, the reward from success. Venison! We use deer meat in everything; chili, tacos, spaghetti, etc. I love it. To sit down at the dinner table and know that I provided puts a smile on my face.

NRA Family InSights: What are some of your hopes going forward as a bowhunter?

Reagan Bryan: I want to gain more experience and knowledge, and can't wait to see where this takes me in my career. I am already getting offers for sponsorships and it lets me know that people believe in me.

Main photo courtesy of Whitney Dewitt Photography


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