Larry and Brenda Potterfield, owners of MidwayUSA, recently donated to the MidwayUSA Foundation to support youth shooting sports. Their contribution of $350,123 will benefit teams and organizations that have a Team Endowment Account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. A portion of the funds are a direct result of the Foundation's matching program, a program allowing donors to triple the money they donate to shooting teams of their choice. Every general donation is matched 2:1 by the Potterfields.
Along with matching funds, the contribution will benefit the winners of the Constituent Challenge, another team incentive offered by the MidwayUSA Foundation. This program rewards the teams that put the largest total dollars into their Team Endowment Account in a given month. Montana 4-H Shooting Sports received $15,000 for their first-place win. The Wyoming State 4-H Foundation earned $10,000 for second place and the Kanabec County Clay Busters from Minnesota took third place and $5,000. Both the Constituent Challenge and matching programs will continue through November 30, 2014.
The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Each year, teams can apply for a grant for up to 5% of their account balance to use for expenses, such as range fees, travel, ammunition, uniforms and more.
To donate to the MidwayUSA Foundation or start a Team Endowment Account, please visit www.midwayusafoundation.org or call 1-877-375-4570.