On Monday, May 30th, Brownells and Magpul showed their appreciation and thanks to the men and women who have died while serving in our armed forces by donating to Special Operations Wounded Warriors (SOWW).
Brownells committed to donating five percent of its total sales this past Memorial Day Weekend to SOWW, where the proceeds would continue on to support Purple Heart recipients with outdoor events. Magpul then agreed to match Brownells’ donation, to help provided much needed funds to SOWW.
“We are incredibly thankful for the partnership with Brownells and Magpul,” said Joel Pellicci, Vice President of SOWW. “We are a small but growing organization that puts 93 percent of donations directly toward benefitting wounded Special Operators. This support means we’ll be able to assit more injured operators with the ultimate goal of helping them return to a more normal life.”
For more information on SOWW please visit SOWWcharity.com.