2015's Top 23 Outdoor Brands: Do You Agree?

posted on February 29, 2016
It's human nature to home in on a favorite brand when it comes to consumer goods. Whether it's a make of car, a clothing designer or a particular coffee roast, they all have their dedicated fanatics. However, when it comes to real brand loyalty, it's hard to beat the preferences of hunters and shooters. Whether it's because we grew up with a parent who insisted on using a particular type of arrow, or because we had an outdoor product that really came through for us in a pinch, there are always certain products for which we will accept no substitutes.

We recently got the news that Southwick Associates, an industry market research firm, has announced poll results detailing shooters' and hunters' favorite product picks from 2015. The results, which were culled from surveys on HunterSurvey.com and ShooterSurvey.com, may or may not surprise you. We'll list them below, but first, we'd like to ask you to help us out in an informal poll of our own: What outdoor product will you continue to buy and use, no matter what? And why? Tell us in the comments!

  1. Top rifle ammunition brand: Federal
  1. Top handgun ammunition brand: Winchester
  2. Top scopes: Leupold
  3. Top binoculars brand: Bushnell
  4. Top game feeder brand: Moultrie
  5. Top trail camera brand: Moultrie
  6. Top tree stand brand: Big Game
  7. Top muzzleloader: CVA
  8. Top crossbow: Barnett
  9. Top shotgun ammunition brand: Winchester
  10. Top blackpowder brand: Pyrodex
  11. Top arrow brand: Easton
  12. Top broadhead brand: Muzzy
  13. Top bow case brand: Plano
  14. Top archery sight brand: Truglo
  15. Top game call brand: Primos
  16. Top reloading bullet brand: Hornady
  17. Top reloading primer brand: CCI
  18. Top reloading powder brand: Hodgdon
  19. Top GPS device brand: Garmin 
  20. Top knife brand: Buck
  21. Top holster/ammo belt brand: Blackhawk
  22. Top choke tube brand: Carlson 


Hms Victoria
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